Berawal dari hasil lab ara yg kabarnya ada nama si serratia liquefaciens mendadak nongol sebanyak 38000 koloni / ml di urine nona manis kita. Berbekal mbah google dan tante wikipedia, maka mama konyol ini pun mencari2 siapakah tamu tak diundang di atas itu. Berhasil menemukan? tentu saja iya. mudeng ga penjelasannya ? tentu tdk. Berdasarkan penelusuran dari tante wikipedia, bakteri serratia liquefaciens ini adalah :

" Serratia is a genus of Gram-negative, facultatively anaerobic, rod-shaped bacteria of the Enterobacteriaceae family. The most common species in the genus, S. marcescens, is normally the only pathogen and usually causes nosocomial infections. However, rare strains of S. plymuthica, S. liquefaciens, S. rubidaea, and S. odoriferae have caused diseases through infection.[2] Members of this genus produce characteristic red pigment, prodigiosin, and can be distinguished from other members of the family Enterobacteriaceae by their unique production of three enzymes: DNase, lipase, and gelatinase.[3] Serratia may be correctly pronounced Ser-ra-shia (common) or Ser-rah-tee-a"

"Infection of humans

In the hospital, Serratia species tend to colonize the respiratory and urinary tracts, rather than the gastrointestinal tract, in adults.
Serratia infection is responsible for about 2% of nosocomial infections of the bloodstream, lower respiratory tract, urinary tract, surgical wounds, and skin and soft tissues in adult patients. Outbreaks of S. marcescens meningitis, wound infections, and arthritis have occurred in pediatric wards. [4]
Serratia infection has caused endocarditis and osteomyelitis in people addicted to heroin.[5]
Cases of Serratia arthritis have been reported in outpatients receiving intra-articular injections."

Sumber :

Yang artinya :
Si serratia ini ternyata kayak manusia juga loh, alias bersodara. Tapi sodara2nya bersifat pantogen. Jadi ga k baik (ya iyalah). Menyebabkan banyak infeksi di tubuh manusia, menyerang pencernaan dan juga saluran kencing (terakhir ini yg ternyata ditemukan di pipis ara).

Dan...jadwal dengan dr margareta baru  tgl 2 maret 2013, yg mana mama konyol ini mesti baca2 dengan sangat antusias. Siapa sih si tamu tak diundang tersebut...
Mudah2an masih dlm kondisi yg wajar dan bisa disembuhkan (alias dienyahkan dari tubuh anakku, ara).
Sementara ini dulu liputan ttg si serratia liquefaciens. Nanti setelah dari dokter bakal diupdate (kalo masih inget kata dokternya).....

*Parents are the best doctor for their child, be a smart parent with searching in mbah google & tante wikepedia also discuss with the experts...(wkkwkwkwkkw)*



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